FOUNDED BY THE SISTERS Antonia und Janina, ANTONINA IS A CONCEPT BORN FROM A COLLECTIVE MINDSET of the inspiring people that surround us. THE INTERTWINING OF OUR LIVES AS SISTERS, our friendship and our creative work together has led us here - TO A SPACE WHERE COLOR MEETS CLASSIC, WHERE OUR IDEAS MEET NEW PEOPLE and where creativity unfolds between each and every one.

PAUSING. THINKING BACK on what we have experienced. TAKING THIS chance to slow down AND EXPERIENCE WHAT WE SOMETIMES IGNORE: The simple things that ultimately give our lives more substance.
We would like to invite the wearers of ANTONINA's products to travel in their minds. BACK TO THE SUMMER MONTHS when life felt lighter. Back to moments we want to preserve, BACK TO TRAVELS THAT HAVE BROADENED our horizons and anchored precious memories.
"ANTONINA is a toast to a colorful everyday life and the magic we can find in little things"

CURRENTLY we manufacture the rings at HOME IN BERLIN.